INGREDIENTS for 4 people

  • Bigoli (thick pressed spaghetti), 400 g
  • Anchovies (fresh or in oil), 60 g
  • Sardines (fresh or salted), 60 g
  • White onion, 40 g
  • 3 cloves of Polesine White Garlic PDO
  • Dry white wine, 20 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil, 40 g
  • Parsley
  • Salt and pepper
Chop the onions finely and brown them in a pan with the extra virgin olive oil. Add the minced garlic as well as the anchovies and sardines boned and chopped, minced parsley, white wine and mash
with a fork. Boil bigoli ‘al dente’, strain and dress with this appetizing sauce. Garnish with toasted grated bread and some crunchy pine nuts.
Excellent also is the version with some mint leaves and grated lemon peel.


Nutritional assessment
This dish is characterized by a good distribution of macronutrients:
most of its proteins have a high biological value, lipids show an excellent balance between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (although they are a bit high) and most carbohydrates are complex.
The Kcal must be integrated, whether it is served at dinner or at lunch.
This dish can be combined with another course, if possible one rich of carbohydrates and containing vegetables (or fruit as an alternative), such as to contribute with a good content of fibres as well as vitamins and mineral salts.
It should be specified that the lipids it contains are excellent from a nutritional point of view, since they come from extra-virgin olive oil (the main seasoning in the Mediterranean diet) and oily fish (another key element in the Mediterranean diet), rich of Omega-3 fatty acids:
for this reason, this dish may help to lower the total cholesterol.